Overview of Professional and Project Services
For single family residential site development or improvements, our specialties include site planning, engineering, and associated regulatory compliance issues including, but not limited to, local zoning requirements, County requirements for the design and approval of onsite septic systems, County approvals for soil erosion and sedimentation control during construction activities, and permitting approvals for Michigan Critical Dune and High Risk Erosion properties, waterfront shoreline protection systems including those which require approvals through the state of Michigan and/or the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and other specialty areas and permits. Many residential project sites near the shoreline of Lake Michigan can be topographically challenging and at the same time may be highly regulated. Developing or improving such properties requires ingenuity, experience, foresight, and a very good understanding regulatory site constraints at the local, county, state, and federal levels. For every project (as applicable), a degreed civil engineer will work with our client as well as their architect, surveyor, builder or contractor, and the appropriate regulatory agency personnel to ensure professional results to facilitate the site design and the permitting process. For certain Michigan projects which require the services of a Licensed Professional Engineer, we can provide the services necessary for a variety of projects (Critical Dunes, for example) in order to complete the professional design and permitting requirements. In addition, over the years, we've assembled a network of outstanding contractors, surveyors, architects, landscapers, and many others to assist in whatever the project may entail. With over 30 years of experience, we've fully experienced and keep abreast of the ever-changing regulatory climate which may affect our clients and their projects.
For industrial facilities, we specialize in assisting with a wide variety of Local, State, and Federal regulations and permits. Typical examples include non-OSHA issues such as Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), wastewater pre-treatment programs, Department of Homeland Security compliance, annual reporting for programs such as SARA Title III (commonly known as Tier II reporting), TRI reporting (commonly known as Form R), Biennial hazardous waste reporting, NESHAP reporting, waste stream analysis for proper disposal, to name a few. In some situations, we can provide a Certified Operator to act as the facility's qualified person for overseeing facility inspections and certifying applicable documents. But in all cases, we work directly with facility personnel to ensure an effective and streamlined approach in simplifying their industrial regulatory requirements. We bring decades of engineering and compliance experience to every facility such that each facility can be assured of favorable results. With over 30 years of industrial regulatory compliance experience, we've assisted many industrial clients with the ever-changing increases in regulatory burden which affect their facilities. Having many years of experience in working with both small and large manufacturers in industries such as food, ceramics, automotive, die casting, metal plating, plastics, fabricated metal, aggregates, and others, we're confident that we can bring our expertise to your facility.